为教师 & 工作人员


Need a student to work for you on a part-time, research, or temporary assignment on campus? 职业发展服务为学生和校友提供终身免费服务,以下是我们为您提供的服务.



的学习 & 挣得优势计划(飞跃)是一项校内工作计划,允许符合条件的本科生在学期期间通过在校园内兼职工作赚钱并获得有价值的工作相关技能.


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学生临时协助小组(STAT)计划是一项校内临时就业服务,在ODU各个部门提供短期工作任务. STAT offers a variety of work experiences and flexibility to meet diverse schedules and needs. 



亲爱的 [雇主名称]:

This reference letter is provided at the written request of [学生姓名]的推荐人,他请我作为推荐人 (他/她) 代表. 据我所知,贵组织正在考虑[学生姓名]应聘 (职称). 请注意,本信中包含的信息是机密的,应被视为机密. 这些信息不应该透露给 [学生姓名,如学生已放弃查阅] 或者你公司里任何不参与招聘决定的人. 另外, 未经学生同意,这些信息不应透露给组织以外的任何人.

我知道 [学生姓名] 对于过去 [月、学期、年的数目] as (他/她) 修过我所教的以下课程: [list courses, give brief description of content of course]. As (他/她) 教授, I have had an opportunity to observe the student's participation and interaction in class, and to evaluate the student's knowledge of the subject matter. I would rate the student's overall performance in these subjects as aver年龄. 这是由 (他/她) 的成绩,[陈述成绩].

[One or two specific examples of the student's performance may be appropriate.] 作为 (他/她) 年级 【bet8体育娱乐入口】在美国,学生被要求准备一篇论文. 的 paper was designed to measure the student's ability to research, 对研究结果进行分析, 然后写. [Discuss how the paper submitted by the student indicated to you the student's skills in these areas.] Based upon this, I rate the student's skills as competent, but not excelling.

的 one area in which the student performed above aver年龄 was in oral communications. [给出具体的例子来支持这一点。.]

根据学生的学习成绩和我对该学生申请职位的了解, I believe the student would perform (place overall evaluation here).

If you would like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact me.





由 全国大学和雇主协会

如果就业中心或教师预先筛选候选人, 他们是, 实际上, 作为职业介绍所的, and the relevant laws that apply to an 年龄ncy would apply to the career center or faculty member.

Although federal anti-discrimination provisions typically apply only to "employers," many 状态s have adopted similar provisions that encompass individual employees and third parties. 这些州法律规定,任何个人或实体“帮助或教唆”歧视性就业做法都是非法的. 另外, 接受联邦资助的教育机构可能违反1964年《bet8体育娱乐入口》第六章, 修订的, and/or the Equal Protection Clause by implementing or endorsing discriminatory prescreening practices.

Once career services staff or a faculty member participate in the selection process, they may have to justify the criteria upon which the screening was based, 就像雇主或职业介绍所一样. Problems occur when the criteria are facially discriminatory or have a discriminatory impact, 比如,职业服务办公室被要求只推荐少数族裔学生,或者教职员工被要求只推荐女性候选人. 就业服务部门的工作人员或教职员工不能以雇主“让我这么做”来为自己的行为辩护."

的 less directly involved the career services staff and faculty are in making choices for employers, 如果学生认为自己因没有被录取而受到歧视,那么工作人员和教育机构卷入行政索赔和诉讼的可能性就会降低.

作者:爱德华·伊斯特利先生.,诺里斯,麦克劳克林, & 马库斯,转载自2012年8月29日的重点报道

作为一名教员, 你可以支持你的学生和毕业生的职业抱负,并补充校园就业服务办公室的工作. 帮助学生寻找工作和实习机会有时会引发意想不到的法律或道德问题, and this short guide is intended to provide you with guidance in areas that you may encounter. 请注意,本指南并非涵盖所有内容:如果您对如何解决特定问题有疑问,请联系您所在机构的法律顾问.

美国大学与雇主协会(NACE), the leading source of information on the employment of the college educated, provides a set of ethical standards for guiding job and internship searches and the hiring process. 的 专业操守原则 are based on two basic precepts: maintaining a recruitment process that is fair and equitable; and supporting informed and responsible decision making by candidates.

的se broad principles encour年龄 all those eng年龄d in career advising and recruitment, e.g., students, employer representatives, faculty, and career services staff, to:

1. Practice reasonable, responsible, and transparent behavior;

2. 做事不带偏见;

3. 确保公平获取;

4. 遵守适用的地方、州和联邦法律,并且

5. Protect confidentiality of students' career and recruitment-related information.

请注意,按照雇主的要求推荐或排名学生候选人可能会出现利益冲突. 作为机构的代理人, 在一般情况下, faculty should put the interests of students ahead of the interests of employers when responding to requests for information or referrals; in addition, 所提供的信息必须以事实为依据.


雇主可能会联系你,要求你提供实习和工作机会的好候选人的名字. At first glance, it may seem harmless to provide the names of your best students. However, there are some potential legal and ethical pitfalls. By identifying individuals for employment on a "regular" basis, 如果你不遵守所有平等就业机会法,你和你的机构可能要承担责任, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of an individual's protected classification, 比如他们的种族, 年龄, 性别, 性取向, 残疾, 国家的起源, 或者性别认同.

指导:如果您收到学生推荐的请求, 雇主的最初要求应该发送到学校的就业中心,这样职位就可以公开发布给所有合格的候选人. 如果这个机会被广泛发布, then it is generally acceptable for you to encour年龄 students to apply for the position as well. 要注意, 然而, 如果你选择鼓励学生申请的话, you should not limit such encour年龄ment to only one class of individuals, 或者你可能会让自己和教育机构受到歧视的指控.

基本原理我们必须维持一个平等就业机会的环境,并以公平和非歧视的方式行事,而不考虑学生的种族, 性别, 性别认同, 种族, 性取向, 宗教, 国家的起源, 残疾, 年龄, 经济地位, 或者其他受联邦政府保护的机密, 状态, 或者当地法律. 通过就业中心宣传就业机会有助于确保所有学生都能获得就业机会, prevents confusion by providing employers and students with one point of contact on campus, allows the career center to build a recruiting relationship with the employer, 并有助于保护学生免受雇主的影响,这些雇主的做法可能不符合你所在机构的招聘或工作场所标准, 如果有任何.



指导: You should immediately contact the career center to inform it of such a request. 根据你们机构的政策和程序, 你也可以在课堂上做公告, post signs in your department and notify relevant student organizations, e.g., societies of Hispanic or black engineers, women's organizations, or LGBTQ groups. You should also refer the employer to your college's diversity and inclusion 办公室, if one exists. 多样性和包容性办公室可以被授权提供所要求人群的成员名单. 你不应该根据他们的种族或被认为的种族或背景来确定任何特定的个人.

基本原理: It may be acceptable for you to assist employers in reaching out to diverse student groups, 但你有义务提供一个系统,让所有学生都能获得有关就业机会的信息, 不只是你碰巧知道的那些. 的re are other legal implications that may be at issue with regard to such requests; consequently, 在您提供任何信息之前, you should contact the career services center to determine any requirements or limitations.


指导: If you are asked by an employer to provide a written or oral reference for a student, either you or the school must have prior written authorization from the student, 你应该提供基于事实的信息, 不是猜测, and not on personal information unrelated to the student's qualifications for the job in question. 如果你不清楚什么可以分享,什么不能分享, contact your career services 办公室 for information and direction. NACE的示例 教员推荐信 模板提供了可能有用的一般指导.

基本原理:如果你在未经学生允许的情况下分享受保护学生的信息,你可能会让你自己和你的学校承担法律责任, 或者通过发表意见、猜测或分享不相关的信息来限制学生的机会.





This conference connects recruiters with ODU faculty and staff, featuring sessions on building talent pipelines and supporting students in their career goals.